Monday, November 10, 2008

Lecture by Prof. Michio Kondo in RCAST

Prof. Michio Kondo, the director of the Research Center of Photovoltaics in the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), was kind enough to give the staff and students of RCAST, Univ. of Tokyo a lecture last Friday.

Title: A low-carbon society based on revolutionary solar power generation
Date: November 7th, 2008 (Friday), 14:30-17:55
Venue: RCAST Bldg 4, 2nd floor Seminar Room

Prof. Kondo's lecture was extremely informative, covering a wide range of solar power technologies, their history, current status and future perspectives. He gave a fair analysis of the different types of technologies, ranging from silicon-based, multi-junction devices, organic thin films, and DSCs. I really enjoyed his lecture because I was able to understand his lecture quite well, despite it being in Japanese because he explained everything simply and concisely. I cannot wait to attend another lecture such as this. (^^,) - Joanne

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