Monday, November 10, 2008

Lecture Announcement

2008 Industry/University Forum Lecture

The Current State of Solar Energy Conversion Device

Host: Electrochemical Soeity of Japan
Date: November 15, 2008 (Saturday) 14:00~
Venue: Tokyo University, School of Science, Chemistry Building Lecture Hall
Address: Hongo 7-3-1, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
Entrance Fee: Free
Banquet: 山上会館地階食堂「御殿」 for 2,000 yen.
Application procedure: Send your name, place of employment, contact information and whether or not you will join the banquet to or fax to 03-3234-3599.

1. The Current state and Future perspective on Solar energy generation
by Matsuhara Hiroshi (AIST)
2. Regarding Silicon Thin-Film Solar Cells (tentative title)
by Tanaka Makoto (Sanyo Denki)
3. Development of Printable and Flexible Dye-sensitized Solar Cells
by Miyasaka Tsutomu (Toin Yokohama University)

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