Monday, October 27, 2008

DSC News Updates

Daido Steel - Streamlines photocurrent generation, plans on using concentrators to up power generation by 1.6%
Daido Steel developed a light-concentrating solar power generation system. From December this year, Daido plans to establish a plant in the Aichi Airport New Energy Exploration Research Area of Tokoname City, Aichi Prefecture. From next year, actual experiments and implementations will be undertaken for a four-year period.
The system developed by said company consists of a dome-shaped plastic lens used to concentrate light to 550 times and the power from this light is delivered to a "power generation cell". A 165 mm lens is partnered with a small 7 mm power generation cell. Since it can gather stronger intensity sunlight, this system is 1.6 times more efficient than previous systems. In addition to the smaller area of the power generation cell, the feasibility of high-volume production of the lens, the cost of this system is almost the same as previous products.
(2008.10.27 Nikkei News by Mr. H Tsuka)

Using the desert for solar power generation -- Japan's technological achievement with batterie s and power lines
A massive concept to install a large-scale solar power station in the desert and distribute the power to the surrounding countries has been set in motion. After considering the land area, sunlight duration, and technological issues, the International Energy Agency (IEA) plans to embark on this venture in the Sahara and Gobi deserts staring next year. Towards the realization of this concept, there are great expectations on Japan's technology of excellent solar cells and electrical power lines.
(2008.10.26 Nikkei News by Mr. H Tsuka)

Taiwan increases production of solar cells.
Taiwan widely known as the "silicon island" due to its large manufacturing plants for semiconductor devices now aims to become the "solar island", shifting its focus to solar panel production due to the ever declining prices of semiconductor products. Investments are surging and will eventually surpass solar cell production in Japan.
(2008.10.27 Nikkei Industrial News by Mr. H Tsuka)

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